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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Podcast: In conversation with John Hennessy

2024년 10월 15일

The Chairman of Google’s parent company shares his insights on shaping higher education, his journey from Stanford Professor and President to influential tech entrepreneur, and the pivotal experiences that shaped his career.

Not Alone: Leaders in Conversation features in-depth discussions with prominent leaders in academia, business and technology, showcasing their insights to inspire and ignite conversation. It’s hosted by Dr Rafael L Bras, Editor of Not Alone and a Professor in the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Our inaugural episode with Dr John Hennessy touches on the evolving landscape of academia, technological advancements like AI, and leadership traits outlined in Hennessy’s book Leading Matters.

Banner with a photo of John Hennessy on the Not Alone podcast: Leaders in Conversation