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이 새로운 경험에 대한 귀하의 의견에 감사드립니다.의견을 말씀해 주세요 새 탭/창에서 열기

엘스비어와 함께 출판

책임있는 AI와 인공지능의 다양한 측면

2023년 5월 4일

저자: Max Voegler, PhD

The panel featured (from left) journalist Katharina Heckendorf, moderator; Dr. Felix Biessmann; Dr Harry Muncey; and Tabea Rößner

두번째 진행된 ECDF와 엘스비어의 ‘Conversations on Science in the Digital Future’ 패널을 통해 책임있는 AI에 대해 탐구해보십시오.

The number of platforms and services that provide research information and analytics, and the developing capabilities of these tools, continues to grow as computer power increases, technologies get more sophisticated, and the volume of information and data expands.

Supporting the research community in this new digital era requires an open and proactive conversation about data. That’s why, together with the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) 새 탭/창에서 열기, we have set up the 'Conversations on Science in the Digital Future' initiative. We hope these discussions will lead to greater understanding and collaboration between the research community, policymakers, academic publishers and broader society.

The first panel discussion — Data Privacy in the Digital Era — was held in November 2022. Watch the full recording 새 탭/창에서 열기.

Highlight #1: Is there such a thing as unbiased data?

Panelists discuss whether there is such a thing as unbiased data.

Watch the response by Dr Felix Biessmann 새 탭/창에서 열기

Highlight #2: What can companies do to ensure AI is used responsibly?

Watch the response by Dr. Harry Muncey 새 탭/창에서 열기

Highlight #3: The rights of workers in developing datasets and AI

Watch the response by Tabea Rößne 새 탭/창에서 열기

What’s next?

Over the next several months, the series will take deep dives into current and impactful topics, including usage data in science, data privacy, vulnerable population and assessment data, and artificial intelligence and ethics in scholarly publishing. The hybrid events will take place at the ECDF in Berlin and online. To register your interest in joining the conversations, please email your full name, job title and organization to [email protected] 새 탭/창에서 열기.

Discover Elsevier's Five Responsible AI Principles.


Portrait photo of Max Voegler, PhD


Max Voegler, PhD

VP of Global Strategic Networks – DACH
