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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Towards the 4th generation university: a collaboration between Elsevier and TU Eindhoven

2024년 4월 23일

저자: Max Dumoulin, Dmitrii Malkov

Elsevier collaborated with TU/e for their new report: Towards the 4th generation university: The transformative role of TU/e in delivering innovation and impact in the Eindhoven region.

Elsevier collaborated with TU/e for their new report: Towards the 4th generation university: The transformative role of TU/e in delivering innovation and impact in the Eindhoven region.

New report examines the transformative role of the Eindhoven University of Technology in delivering innovation and impact.

A “4th generation university” is an emerging concept that champions an integrated approach to education, research and innovation, with a strong focus on societal impact and regional development. The idea is that these global universities embrace local innovation with the aim of tackling societal challenges and driving regional economic growth.

The analyses in the new report Towards the 4th generation university: The transformative role of TU/e in delivering innovation and impact in the Eindhoven region새 탭/창에서 열기 sheds light on the concept of 4th generation universities and how they can support and drive local innovation.

Elsevier and the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)새 탭/창에서 열기 partnered to produce the report, analyzing the university’s influence on its local community, notably within the Brainport region새 탭/창에서 열기. The study delves into how TU/e engages in European-funded research initiatives in partnership with regional multinational corporations such as ASML새 탭/창에서 열기, NXP새 탭/창에서 열기 and Philips새 탭/창에서 열기. It also explores collaborations with emerging start-ups and scale-ups like Smart Photonics. also explores collaborations with emerging start-ups and scale-ups like Smart Photonics.

The team: Rianne van Eerd, Renee Westenbrink, Robert-Jan Smits, Christian Taupe, Noelle Gracy, Iana Tsandev, M’hamed el Aisati, Federica Rosetta, Xavier Theunissen, Judy Verses, Nick Fowler, Max Dumoulin. Not pictured: Dmitrii Malkov.

The team (from left to right): Rianne van Eerd (TU/e), Renee Westenbrink (TU/e), Robert-Jan Smits (TU/e), Christian Taupe (TU/e), Noelle Gracy, Iana Tsandev, M’hamed el Aisati, Federica Rosetta, Xavier Theunissen (TU/e), Judy Verses, Nick Fowler, Max Dumoulin. Not pictured: Dmitrii Malkov.

The report leverages Elsevier’s data and analytics in a novel way, including the examination of geographical collaborators and the application of the recently developed key technology classification. This classification was designed to aid in the formulation of the Dutch national technology strategy.

Dr Nick Fowler, who leads the project at Elsevier as Chief Academic Officer, explains:

TU/e stands as a beacon of transformative education and research, transcending traditional boundaries of industry, society and government. Our collaborative approach fosters interdisciplinary cooperation, driving tangible societal change and innovation within the Netherlands and beyond.

Robert-Jan Smits, President of the Executive Board of TU/e, and Dr Nick Fowler, Chief Academic Officer at Elsevier.

Robert-Jan Smits,새 탭/창에서 열기 President of the Executive Board of TU/e, and Dr Nick Fowler, Chief Academic Officer at Elsevier.

Local governments, industries and other stakeholders are increasingly calling upon universities to showcase their societal contributions. These organizations face tangible challenges that necessitate the appropriate talent and knowledge to generate solutions. As a provider of data and analytics, Elsevier frequently receives requests to assist in setting goals and managing transformative change. This report aims to fulfil that need.

Colleagues at both Elsevier and TU/e found this exercise highly valuable, and they openly invite any interested universities to contact them to learn more about the project and the insights the analysis uncovered. Our aim is to collaborate with other institutions so that they can use the analysis to identify their own areas for potential improvement.

“Involving stakeholders from the start in education, research and knowledge transfer activities — that is what the 4th generation university is all about.”

Dr Nick Fowler


Dr Nick Fowler

Elsevier의 Chief Academic Officer

Dr Fowler added: “TU/e is an example of a university that has mastered collaboration very well. Not only does the university spend time creating projects and doing research and innovation, it also takes an active role driving the ecosystem with the leadership of those companies and local government. That allows TU/e to involve them from the start in their education, research, and knowledge transfer activities, which is what the 4th generation university is all about.

“Under the leadership of Robert-Jan Smits, TU/e is now taking steps to explore their special identity even further. They have a clear path, and that has inspired our entire team. We are looking forward to bringing this relationship to even greater heights.”