Editors' Update - supporting editors, every step of the way.

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2017년 9월 1일
저자: Christopher Tancock
Post-acceptance article tracking service gives journal editors new insights on papers in the production process
© istockphoto.com/enot-poloskun Once you click “accept” on an article, responsibility shifts to Elsevier and we then begin the work of typesetting, editing, tagging, content enrichment and then move to finalizing, publishing and indexing the paper. You might well lose sight of articles during this period, particularly if you are an editor on a busy journal where many papers are coming and going each day. Nonetheless, we recognize that many of you do want some mechanism for keeping track of papers in the production system hence why we have been working on a major overhaul and upgrade to a system that some of you might have used in the past: OASIS.
Article Tracking for Editors (ATfE), the replacement to the old OASIS system, is a real-time production tracking service available to editors of Elsevier journals. Completely redesigned and relaunched, you can use ATfE to monitor the progress of all in-production and recently published articles. Among other activities, you can use ATfE to:
check the exact production status of your journal's accepted manuscripts
view bibliographic information for articles (once available)
access links to the published version of articles on Science Direct
view Scopus citation counts
The service is purely read-only so you cannot accidentally move articles around or otherwise impact on the production status..
The ATfE service is primarily aimed at editors who want to keep track of papers after they've been accepted for publication, but it is also of potential interest to society offices and managing editors among others.
Logging into ATfE presents users with two options: “Journal Summary” and “Article Overview”. The Journal Summary page delivers a broad overview of the different production milestones (i.e. where papers are in the production workflow) and the number of papers at each status. Production statuses include “received for production”, “awaiting proof corrections”, “author corrections returned”, “articles not compiled in issue” and “compiled issues”. The full list of production statuses with their definitions can be found at Elsevier’s Support Center 새 탭/창에서 열기. This aspect of the system gives the user insight into the overall production copy flow of the journal, without the need to ask the same of Elsevier journal staff.
Alternatively, it is possible to perform a tailored search via the Article Overview page, with a number of filters available. Each article in the list also displays a link to the latest published version on Science Direct as soon as available online. The article overview page lists: articles not yet compiled in an issue; articles compiled in an issue but where the issue is not yet finalized; and articles compiled in finalised issue, where the issue was completed less than a year ago. You can also subscribe to an email alert to notify you of the final publication of an article. This can be done on a per article basis or via wholesale for a batch of articles
When exploring in the system, you can filter articles by:
Article status
Handling editor name
Article type (e.g. regular article, book review, editorial)
Volume & issue
You can also run a free text search on:
Article title
Corresponding author name
First author name
Editorial reference number
PTS (Production Tracking System) reference number
Article Tracking for Editors is available to editors and other editorial staff of Elsevier journals. Follow these simple steps to get access:
Create an account here (if you don’t already have one).
Once signed-in, request a journal password for your journal(s).
Sign-in with your account and journal password received from Elsevier and you’re in!
We hope that the service will prove useful for our editors but we welcome feedback about the features (please pass to your regular publishing contact or Journal Manager). What’s more; we plan on rolling out further developments and improvements to the ATfE system including:
providing special issue information for articles
introduction of Share Links for editors functionality
support for tracking editor proofing workflows
Please therefore give the service a go and we hope that the insights you gain are useful to you in performing your role.