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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Editor Essentials

The bespoke training suite that supports Elsevier editors in their journey.

With Editor Essentials, you can:

  • Acquire all necessary skills to conduct editorial work

  • Find information on specific topics, such as how to handle an ethics case or commission a special issue

  • Access easy-to-digest and engaging content, including real-life scenarios to test your knowledge

Editor Essentials has been designed both to give new editors a thorough grounding in the role and responsibilities of managing a journal, as well as to provide an opportunity to more experienced editors to refresh their memory on particular issues.

Developed and delivered by publishing professionals and with input from leading editors, Editor Essentials covers a comprehensive range of topics spanning the breadth of editorial work — from receiving a submission to making a final decision, dealing with ethics cases, and managing and developing a journal and editorial team.

Each module is self-contained and most feature interactive Q&A sections describing real-life scenarios. There is also a range of resources and further reading on each module to facilitate more in-depth follow up.

Still of Editor Essentials training course video

Editor Essentials a bespoke training course for Elsevier editors