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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Policy and best practice: Errata & corrigenda

For the purposes of this document the term editor encompasses all editor title variations and is limited to those that have final acceptance responsibility.

Changes/additions to accepted articles

All content of published articles are subject to the editorial review process, organized by and under the auspices of the editor. Should the authors wish to add to their article after acceptance, they must submit a request the editor and the new content will be reviewed.

  • If the new material is additional to the accepted article, it must be submitted for peer review as a new manuscript, referring back to the original;

  • If the new material should replace the original content of the accepted article, the editor may consider the publication of an erratum or a corrigendum.


An erratum refers to a correction of errors introduced to the article by the publisher.

All publisher-introduced changes are highlighted to the author at the proof stage and any errors are ideally identified by the author and corrected by the publisher before final publication.

Authors who notice an error should contact the Journal Manager or Elsevier’s Support team새 탭/창에서 열기.


A corrigendum refers to a change to their article that the author wishes to publish at any time after acceptance. Authors should contact the editor of the journal, who will determine the impact of the change and decide on the appropriate course of action. Elsevier will only instigate a corrigendum to a published article after receiving approval and instructions from the editor.