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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conference speaker

Abhinav Kumar


Abhinav Kumar, PhD

Director, Reaxys Product Management


Abhinav works in the Reaxys Product development team with a focus on bringing innovative products to market. Prior to joining the Reaxys team, Abhinav worked at Deloitte with a focus on client advisory work in the Life Sciences sector across strategy and operations focused on the R&D function and serving senior leadership teams in R&D and Commercials.

Abhinav earned a doctorate in Pharmaceutical Science from King’s College London. Abhinav has published more than 10 papers in high-impact peer-reviewed journals, supervised 2 PhD students and more than 10 Master’s student thesis work. Abhinav won multiple Young Researcher awards including the Pat Burnell New Investigator Award for Drug Delivery to Lungs in 2014.