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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Alexander Neimark


Alexander Neimark

Rutgers University, USA

Dr. Alexander V. Neimark is a Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers University. He is a recipient of many national and international awards and honored appointments, including Guggenheim Fellow, Blaise Pascal International Chair, Humboldt Fellow, Fellow of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Fellow of International Adsorption Society, Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and Leverhulme Professorship. His research interests include thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and molecular modeling of adsorption, transport, and interfacial phenomena in nanoporous and nanostructured materials and self-assembly in surfactant and polymeric soft matter systems. He published 290+ research papers with 40,000+ citations and Hirsh index h=76.

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