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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Andreas Thissen


Andreas Thissen

SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH, Germany

Dr. Andreas Thissen (*1966) received his diploma (1994) and PhD degree (2000) in Physics from the University of Duisburg-Essen. Afterwards he took a position as researcher at the department of Materials Science at Darmstadt University of Technology (2000-2006). In 2006 he joint SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH in Berlin, Germany, where he has been appointed in 2022 as CEO.

Dr. Thissen conducted research in the fields of transition metal oxide surfaces and their modification by Alkali metals, surface chemical and structural analysis of thin film solar cell materials and interfaces (CdTe and related materials) and thin film Lithium ion battery cathode materials (V2O5, LiCoO2 and related materials) in combination with electrochemical methods. At SPECS he acted as a driving force to develop instruments for in situ and operando methods based on XPS in vacuum, but especially under Near Ambient Pressure (NAP-XPS) conditions, including its application to battery materials in combination with electrochemistry.