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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Antonio Derossi


Antonio Derossi

Talk Topic: 3D food printing

University of Foggia, Italy

Antonio Derossi is Associate Professor in Food Science and Technology at Dept. Science of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Foggia, Italy. Antonio Derossi is member of the Emerging Technologies and Food Formula Lab (ETFF). His work is dedicated to the boundaries of food manufacturing by discovering, optimizing and implementing new technologies capable of renewing the human-food interaction and delivering nutritionally and sensorially customized food products for a healthy and sustainable diet. Latest research topics regards the use of additive manufacturing of food providing new digital abilities for engineered food products and the exploitation of the full potential of robotic technology in the unit operation of food. Antonio Derossi is associate editor of the journal Future Food (Elsevier), he serves as external expert at the European Commission for the evaluation of the research project submitted under the Horizon Europe, was invited at FAO to work on the report. He chaired the international conference in Food Chemistry and Technology, FCT, in 2022 and 2023, and is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Int. Conference of Future Food which will be held in Singapore 2025. Antonio Derossi is author of more than 100 scientific publications, 9 book chapters and more than 20 oral presentations as invited speaker and oral presentation at International Conference. Also, his works received more than 3,000 citations and he reached h-index of 31.

ANTONIO DEROSSI: Associate Professor, Laboratory of Emerging Technologies and Food Formula, Department of Agriculture, Food, Natural resources and Engineering (DAFNE), University of Foggia, Italy.