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엘스비어와 함께 출판



Antonis Kokossis

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Dr. Kokossis, FIChemE, FIEE, FRSA, and FIET, is Professor of Process Systems Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens. He is a Chartered Engineer with IChemE (UK). He holds a Diploma in Chemical Engineering from NTUA and a PhD from Princeton University. Prior to NTUA, he worked for 17 years in UK. He is now the co-director of the National Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry, a National Representative of Directorate I (Climate Change & Environment), Affiliate of IEA Bioenergy and EERA Bioenergy, and the Greek Delegate of the Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) group of EFCE.

His expertise includes process systems design, modelling, process integration, and optimization. He published extensively and has consulted with the process industry (UOP, Bayer, Mitsubishi, Eastman, MW Kellogg, BP Oil, Unilever) and, more recently, with biorefineries and smaller companies on renewables. He has established collaboration with several industrial companies including several industries dedicated to the development of renewable energy and chemicals.

He has graduated 25 PhD and 46 MSc students. He holds 142 communications in international conferences, 129 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 70 invited lectures in conferences universities, and multinational companies. He serves as the National Representative of the IBISBA EU research infrastructure on Industrial Biotechnology. He is an elected member of the Executive Board of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) and leads the New EFCE Sustanability section.