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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Audrey de Nazelle


Audrey de Nazelle

Imperials College London, UK

Dr. Audrey de Nazelle is a senior lecturer at the Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London. At the intersection of environmental sciences, health behaviour, transportation, urban planning, and policy, she works on urban transitions for the promotion public and planetary health. A particular focus is on determinants and impacts of active travel (including emissions and exposures, health risks and co-benefits, and societal engagement). Dr de Nazelle holds a PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Public Health in Environmental Sciences, a Maîtrise in Mathematics from the University of Paris VI Pierre et Marie Curie. She conducted her postdoctoral research at the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (now ISGLOBAL), Barcelona, Spain.

Photo credit: Brendan Foster Photography