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엘스비어와 함께 출판



Banchob Sripa

Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Banchob Sripa is a Professor and Senior Research Scholar at Khon Kaen University, Thailand. He has been working on several aspects of human liver flukes as well as other tropical diseases for >35 years. Dr.Sripa’s major expertise includes biology, epidemiology, ecology, immunology, pathology, pathogenesis, carcinogenesis, and control of the liver fluke infection. His integrated liver fluke control program using EcoHealth/One Health approach named the “Lawa model” is one of the two showcases with success helminth control of WHO/NZD4. Dr. Sripa has published more than 280 peer-reviewed articles and was ranked among world top 2% scientists in Mycology and Parasitology by Stanford University. He received several scientific research awards, the most prestige the Thailand Outstanding Scientist Award. Dr. Sripa has been actively involved in various organizations dedicated to neglected tropical diseases and serves as a panel member of several WHO workforces.