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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Prof. Baoguo Wang


Baoguo Wang

Tsinghua University, China

Prof. Baoguo Wang, He received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree of chemical engineering from Tsinghua University in 1987 and 1993, respectively, and obtained Ph D from Tokyo University in 2000. As a visiting-fellow, he studied on microfluidics in Harvard University from July 2007 to Aug 2008, investigated mass transport mechanism through dense membranes of fuel cell during Apr. 2001 to Sep. 2002 in Tokyo University and Tsinghua University. His current interesting is developing advanced material and process for electricity conversion and storage, including 1) Hydrogen generation based-on anion exchange membrane(AEM) water electrolysis; 2) Vanadium Flow Battery (VFB) for massive electricity storage. He has published over 180 papers, 29 patents issued and licensing declaration. He also serves as Secretary-general of Beijing Membrane Society, Vice-chief editor of the editorial board of “Energy Storage Science and technology”, Vice-chief editor of the editorial board of “Membrane Science and technology”, International committee members of IEC/ TC21/JWG7 for flow battery and so on.