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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conference chair

Cecile Viboud


Cecile Viboud

Computational Epidemiologist

Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, USA

Cecile Viboud, PhD, is a computational epidemiologist who joined the Division of International Epidemiology and Population Studies of the Fogarty International Center, US National Institutes of Health, in 2003. Her research focuses on the epidemiology and transmission dynamics of acute viral infections, at the interface of global health, epidemiology, and modeling. Her work primarily concentrates on respiratory viruses, but she has recently become interested in zoonotic infections, such as Ebola and MERS-CoV, the potential of Big Data to strengthen infectious disease surveillance, and infectious diseases forecasting.

A native of France, she received an engineer degree in biomedical technologies from the University of Lyon (1998), a Master of Public Health (1999) and a PhD in Biomathematics (2003) from Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France.