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엘스비어와 함께 출판




Claire Onofri-Marroncle

CEA, France

Claire obtained her PhD in Materials Science from the University of Toulouse - France in 2016. Her thesis was carried out at CEA's fuel research department and CEMES laboratory. She then went on to work at CEA's Fuel Research Department, where she studies extended defects induced by irradiation or mechanical loading in fuels using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Since 2022, she has been involved in the European project OPERA-HPC, as task leader, whose aim is to understand the impact of microstructure evolution during irradiation on fuel creep, particularly at higher temperatures during off-normal power transients. She recently won the Jacques Gaussens prize awarded by the SFEN (French Nuclear Energy Society) to a young researcher for his or her work (2023).