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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Damien Debecker


Damien Debecker

UCLouvain, Belgum

Damien Debecker is a Professor at the University of Louvain 새 탭/창에서 열기 (UCLouvain), in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. He received his PhD in heterogeneous catalysis in 2010 and studied materials chemistry and biocatalysis during postdoctoral stays in Sorbonne Université and Manchester University. He is teaching physical chemistry, process engineering, bio-refining. He is leading a research  새 탭/창에서 열기group active in the field of “catalytic processes for more sustainable chemical processes”. More precisely, the group uses heterogeneous catalysts, immobilized enzymes, multi-functional catalysts, and hybrid chemo-enzymatic catalysts to perform chemical reactions and design chemical processes in a greener way. Targeted applications include bio-based molecules upgrading (alcohols, lipids, lignocellulose, glycerol, carboxylic acids), green organic synthesis of high value (chiral) molecules, CO2 hydrogenation, etc. He was holder of the Francqui Research Professor chair (2020-2023). He is currently acting as an Associate Editor for Chem & Bio Engineering (ACS).

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