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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Daniel Granato


Daniel Granato

University of Limerick, Ireland

Topic: Environmental and Economic Impacts of Sustainable Practices

Food Engineer with a solid background in Food Science & Technology and Experimental/Human Nutrition. Teaching, Academic Services, & Supervision: I have 14 years of Teaching experience for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, with substantial involvement in designing new modules and coordinating BSc and MSc Programs. I supervised >165 BSc. (72), MBA (58), MSc (15), PhD (17) candidates and post-doctoral fellows (6). Research Output: I have pivotal participation in the scientific field and published >320 peer-reviewed articles in top-tier journals, 21 book chapters, 6 books, and 7 technological patents and innovation disclosures. My scientific production has been cited >23.000 times (hindex=77 and h10index=238), making me a Highly Cited Researcher since 2018. My influence in Food Science & Technology has projected me to be appointed as an Advisory Board Member of several Q1 journals and to act as the Scientific Editor of prestigious journals, such as Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety and Food Chemistry. I have received several research awards in different countries, with >50 invited lectures at conferences/symposia. Research Interest: By being integrative, holistic, and cross-sectional, my research has been translational (see below): it integrates Food Chemistry, Toxicology, Food Science, and Nutrition, and topics range from Circular Economy in Food Systems to Functional Ingredients from side streams and Innovative Food Technologies. This approach has enabled my research group to generate new findings and acquire a thorough perspective on food research directly impacting the economy and health. Funding: Because of this science-based approach, collaboration with different EU and non-EU food companies has been critical in my research. In addition, my experience in various universities has brought about solid academic cooperation worldwide. Research projects funded by governmental bodies and companies in Brazil, Finland, Ireland, and China sum up to >€8 M.