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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conference speaker

D'Maris Coffman


D'Maris Coffman

The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, UCL, UK

Professor Coffman is the Director (Head of Department) of BSSC (formerly BSCPM) and the Professor in Economics and Finance of the Built Environment at the Bartlett. She is Editor-in-Chief and Coordinating Editor of Elsevier's Structural Change and Economic Dynamics and on the honorary editorial boards of The Journal of Cleaner Production, Economia Politica, and the editorial boards of Frontiers of Engineering Management and the Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment. In December 2021, Professor Coffman was elected Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Department of Earth System Science at Tsinghua University. She is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Milan (Statale), a Guest Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, and a Visiting Professor of Renmin University of China.

Professor Coffman's current interests span infrastructure, construction, and climate change. She works at the interstices of economic geography, economic history and infrastructure economics. She works at the interstices of economic history, economic geography, and infrastructure economics and is especially interested in handling papers using methods drawn from those disciplines to investigate long-term structural change, including challenges arising from the low carbon transition.