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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conference Speaker

Erin Hancock


Erin Hancock, PhD

Research Investigator

Corteva Agriscience

Erin Hancock is a Research Investigator at Corteva Agriscience (Indiana, USA) and works as a discovery chemist in a variety of therapeutic areas. Her primary focus has been on leveraging innate activity and sustainable attributes from natural products, and she also contributed to late-stage discovery fungicide projects and lead optimization insecticide projects. Since 2020, Erin has been a part of the team responsible for implementing retrosynthetic tools within Corteva’s Discovery and Process Groups while serving as co-leader starting in 2023.  

Prior to her career at Corteva Agriscience, Hancock received her B.A. in chemistry from Hanover College (Indiana, USA) and pursued her PhD at Indiana University (Indiana, USA) where she completed the total syntheses of ladderane natural products under the mentorship of Kevin M. Brown