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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Fateme Rezaei


Fateme Rezaei

University of Miami, USA

Dr. Rezaei is Professor of Chemical Engineering in the Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering Department at University of Miami (UM). Prior to joining UM, she held Linda and Bipin Doshi Endowed Professor of Chemical Engineering at Missouri S&T. She obtained her PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering from Monash University in Australia and LTU in Sweden in 2011. She worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Georgia Tech. Her research focus broadly lies at the interface of chemical, materials science and environmental engineering, and the overall goal of her research group is development of advanced materials and processes for separation, purification, and storage applications. She is the author of over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles and has received several awards including 2021 ACS Women Chemists Committee (WCC) Rising Star Award; 2020 UM System president’s Award for Career Excellence-Early Career; 2018 Energy & Fuels Award for Excellence in Publication; as well as 2021 and 2018 Missouri S&T Faculty Research Award. She is the Associate Editor of ACS Energy & Fuels journal and editorial member of Journal of CO2 Utilization and Frontiers in Energy Research.