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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Galo Soler-Illia


Galo Soler-Illia

UNSAM, Argentina

Galo Soler-Illia studied Chemistry (MSc and PhD) at Buenos Aires University (UBA) and completed a postdoc at University Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris. At present, he is CONICET Superior Researcher at the Instituto de Nanosistemas, National University of San Martín (UNSAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina), which he founded and leads since 2015. He is also Full Member of academies ANCEFN, ANC and ACAL. He is Associate Professor at UBA, and Full Professor at UNSAM. He has been Invited Professor at the universities of Paris VI, Osaka Prefecture and Melbourne, and Visiting Professor at ENS-Lyon. He is member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Hybrid Advances, and Chemical Science. He has been elected Honorary Member of Centro Argentino de Ingenieros and Fellow and Vice-President of the International Sol-Gel Society.

He has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals and books, filed five patents and made more than 100 presentations in conferences. He has supervised 23 PhD thesi, more than 25 postdocs and 10 CONICET assistant researchers. He has coordinated numerous national and international projects with academic and industrial partners. He recently co-founded a technological-based company Hybridon.

Besides, he has contributed to science outreach by publishing three books and as a science specialist in radio and National TV shows. He received several national awards, including two Houssay Prizes (2006, 2009), Konex Platinum Award (2013) INNOVAR Great Prize (2016) and Bunge& Born (2022), and a Dr. h.c. from Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina).

His research work is focused on the designed production of new nanosystems with intelligent architectures and custom properties using chemical methods inspired by Nature, with applications in health, environment and renewable energies.

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