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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Plenary Speaker

Guohua CHEN


Guohua Chen

School of Energy and Environment City University of Hong Kong, China

Professor Guohua CHEN obtained his BEng from Dalian University of Technology in 1984, MEng and PhD from McGill University respectively in 1989 and 1994. He joined Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as a Visiting Scholar in 1994, and became as an Assistant Professor in 1997, promoted to Associate Professor in 2002, Full Professor in 2008. He worked as the Head of Department, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering during 2012 and 2016. He moved to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as Chair Professor of Energy Conversion and Storage in 2017 and served concurrently as an Associate Vice President (Research Support) during 2017-2021.

Professor Chen has nearly 30 years of working experiences of research and development on energy and environment related projects. He has published over 300 peer reviewed journal papers. His research papers have been well cited by peers with Google Scholar Citation more than 32,000 and H-index 93. He also has three US patents and ten Chinese patents. He is the recipient of inaugural Research Excellence Award, School of Engineering, HKUST; the winner of Merit Award for Individual Research, Faculty of Engineering, HKPolyU. He is a Fellow of HKIE, AIChE, Global Academy of Chinese Chemical Engineers. He is also elected as a Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering. He served as the President, Asian-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering. He is now the Chairman, World Chemical Engineering Council. He is Editor-in-Chief, Process Safety and Environmental Protection; Editor, Separation and Purification Technology; Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering; Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering.