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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Keynote Speaker

Huichun (Judy) Zhang


Huichun (Judy) Zhang

Case Western Reserve University, USA

Dr. Huichun (Judy) Zhang is the Frank H. Neff professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Case Western Reserve University. She earned her Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology and her B.S. and M.S. from Nanjing University. Her research focuses on the fate and transformation of environmental contaminants in natural and engineered aquatic environments and the removal of organic contaminants from contaminated water. Her recent research areas also include predictive modeling for contaminant reactivity and sorption using machine learning tools. Dr. Zhang has published in numerous journals, such as Chemical Reviews, Environmental Science and Technology, and Water Research. She has received seven competitive research grants from the NSF as the PI, and directed research projects for many other agencies and industry. She is an Associate Editor for ACS ES&T Water and a member of AEESP Board of Directors. She is a past recipient of Nanova/CAPEES Frontier Research Award,and ES&T Best Paper Award, among others.