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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Il-Doo Kim


Il-Doo Kim

KAIST, Korea

Il-Doo Kim is Endowed Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at KAIST He received Ph. D degree from KAIST (2002). He was a postdoc. Fellow at MIT (Prof. Harry L. Tuller group, 2003-2005). From 2005 to January 2011, Dr. Kim worked as a senior research scientist at Korea Institute of Science and Technology. Dr. Kim moved to KAIST in February 2011. Up to date, Prof. Kim has published over 411 articles (including 77 cove-featured papers) and holds 249 patents. A number of patents have been successfully licensed to 13 companies. Recent selected awards include the KAIST Grand Research Prize (2022), The Scientist of The Year from Korean Journalists (2019), Songok Science Award (2018), Prof. Kim served as an Associate Editor for ACS Nano for four and a half years. Starting from July 1, 2023, he has taken on the role of Executive Editor. He is a fellow of Korea Academy of Science and Technology. Prof. Kim founded a KAIST tech-based startup company, IDKLAB Inc. in 2019.

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