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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conference Speaker

Ilona Stengel


Ilona Stengel, PhD

OLED Intellectual Property Liaison

Merck Electronics KGaA Darmstadt

As OLED Intellectual Property (IP) Liaison Ilona Stengel works at the interface between OLED R&D and Merck’s Patents department to align and drive a variety of topics such as IP strategy, invention reports, IP landscaping and IP digitalization.

She studied chemistry at the University of Konstanz and graduated with her diploma thesis about natural product synthesis in 2007, and she received her PhD at the University of Ulm in organic electronics. Over the past twelve years, she's been part of several international academic and industrial research groups in the field of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), in which she worked in different roles, i.e. lab manager, project manager and group leader.

In one of her current projects she is working together with information professionals and data scientists to create new solutions for managing and visualizing IP data linked to chemical structures.