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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Isabelle Zacharie–Aubrun


Isabelle Zacharie–Aubrun

IRESNE, France

I am a research engineer at CEA Cadarache, based in the south of FRANCE. I am responsible for a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) coupled with a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) device in the LECA STAR hotlab facility. Our main activity is to characterize irradiated fuels. I began to study irradiated fuels under a PhD thesis conducted at the LECI hotlab facility in CEA-Saclay near Paris in 1997. I then managed an irradiation device dedicated to power transient tests in the OSIRIS reactor. In the LECA-STAR facility, i first supervised the preparation and characterization of irradiated fuels by optical microscopy before taking the SEM responsibility.