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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Janine Cossy


Janine Cossy

Ecole Superieure de Physique (ESPCI Paris), France

Janine Cossy was born in Reims (France). Her early career was spent in Reims, where she did her undergraduate and graduate studies at the University Champagne-Ardenne, working on photochemistry under the supervision of Prof. J.-P. Pète. After a postdoctoral stay with Prof. Barry M. Trost, for two years, at the University of Wisconsin (USA), she returned to Reims where she became, in 1990, CNRS Director of Research. In the same year, she moved to Paris where she was appointed Professor of Organic Chemistry at the ESPCI Paris. Janine Cossy’s research interests focus on the synthesis of natural products and biologically active molecules (mainly with antitumoral and anti-inflammatory properties) and on the development of synthetic methods. She is also interested in the vectorisation of antitumoral compounds toward the tumor in order to decrease their secondary effects.