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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Jinfeng Wang


Jinfeng Wang

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

WANG Jinfeng is a Distinguished Professor of Spatial Statistics at the State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS; and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He serves as Chair of the Geographic Modeling and Geographic Information Analysis Committee of the Geographical Society of China (GSC).

Wang has authored over 300 papers in prestigious journals, including Lancet Infectious Diseases, Lancet Planetary Health, Nature Communications, the most-cited paper in IJGIS, and the most-cited paper across all disciplines in the Chinese Science Citation Database. Recognized as a highly cited scholar in China and globally, Wang developed Geodetector, a widely used tool for measuring and attributing spatial stratified heterogeneity (SSH), the “golden band” of data. Geodetector has been used by scholars from over 60 countries, contributing to over 7,000 papers, including many in top international journals (www.geodetector.cn 새 탭/창에서 열기).