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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Jonathan Ewbank


Jonathan Ewbank

ERINHA, Belgium​

Talk Title: ERINHA's contribution to vaccine development in Europe and beyond

Director General, European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents Jonathan Ewbank has been Director General of ERINHA, the European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents since late 2021. He has a PhD in biophysics, conducted at the MRC LMB in Cambridge and the EMBL in Heidelberg. After postdoctoral work at the Sloan-Kettering in New York, and McGill University, Montreal, he moved to the Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille Luminy (CIML), where for 25 years his group focused on the study of host-pathogen interactions. ERINHA is a non-profit organisation that federates European high and maximum containment (BSL3 and BSL4) laboratories. It coordinates projects and programmes to increase pandemic preparedness, including vaccine development for high-consequence pathogens. It also ensures that the highest standards of biosafety and biosecurity are applied to research in its members' facilities.