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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Julie Logan


Julie Logan

Air Force Research Labs, USA

Dr. Logan completed her PhD at MIT in Nuclear Engineering in 2021, under a fellowship from Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), where she studied the causation mechanism for enhanced radiation tolerance in some semiconductor materials. She studied the build-up rate of vacancies and interstitials in 7 semiconductors using, respectively, positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy and Rutherford backscatter channeling and compared these experimental results to density function theory simulations of each material to determine that high electron curvature at bond critical points is correlated with material radiation tolerance. She now heads the Process Evaluation Chip lab within the Advanced Electro-Optical Space Sensors group at AFRL Space Vehicles directorate, where she analyzes the clear and radiation environment performance parameters of infrared detectors for space applications.