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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conference speaker

Julien Pernot


Julien Pernot


CNRS-Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Presentation title: Extreme carrier mobilities in single crystal diamond

Julien Pernot is Professor at University Grenoble Alpes and Institut NEEL/CNRS, (France). He is Chair of the Department of Electronics Electrical Engineering Control and Systems of University Grenoble Alpes.

Julien received his PhD degree at the University of Montpellier (France) in 2001 where he worked on the electrical transport properties of silicon carbide up to 2002. In 2003, he joined as postdoc the university of Nijmegen (Netherlands) to study defects in wide band gap semiconductors. At the end of 2003, he got an associate professor position at University Grenoble Alpes and at Institut NEEL/CNRS. His current research interests focus on the electrical transport properties of diamond, SiC, GaN and ZnO. His main scientific contribution is related to innovative devices and electrical measurements performed on thin films, micro- or nanowires wide bandgap semiconductors. At the university, he is teaching semiconductor physics and electronics. He integrated the “Institut Universitaire de France” in 2012 and is promoted as Professor in 2016. He is co-authors of more than 90 papers, work-package leader of a European H2020 project and NEEL scientific head of more than 5 national projects. Julien is Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports. He is involved in the organisation of several international diamond conferences and workshops, including the International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (co-Chair, 2017~), New Diamond and Nano Carbons (Programme Committee, 2016-2017), Hasselt Diamond Workshop (Programme Committee, 2014~), and Chair of the Diamond Power Electronics Symposium in 2016 MRS Spring Meeting, and co-Chair of the French-Japanese workshops on diamond for power electronics (2013~).