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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conference Speaker

Karen Ontiveros


Karen Ontiveros, PhD

Information Manager


Karen Ontiveros is an Information Manager at Novartis Ireland, and works as the chemistry information expert in the Novartis Knowledge Center (NKC). As the lead of the Chemistry team within the NKC, her work includes supporting the organization with their chemistry-based services, including chemical nomenclature and biodescriptions, chemical/substance information services for regulatory submissions and requests for non-proprietary names, and scientific databases management such as searching, trainings, and maintaining stakeholders’ relationships. 

She studied at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (Mexico) for her Industrial Chemistry B.Sc. and Pharmacy MSc., before pursuing her Chemistry of Therapeutics PhD at Dublin City University (Ireland). After finishing her PhD, she joined the Novartis Knowledge Centre in 2020 as Information Scientist with chemistry expertise in Dublin team.