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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conference speaker

Ken Haenen


Ken Haenen

Full Professor

Hasselt University & IMEC vzw, Belgium

Ken Haenen, a Full Professor of Experimental Physics, is currently Vice-Rector Research, Valorisation, and Internationalisation at Hasselt University, Belgium, where he obtained his PhD degree in physics in 2002.

He is also a guest professor at IMEC, Belgium. Ken is Editor-in-Chief of Diamond and Related Materials, Section Editor of MethodsX (Materials Science), and an Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports and Physica Status Solidi. He is involved in the organisation of several leading international diamond and nanocarbon conferences, including the International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (Chair), Hasselt Diamond Workshop (Co-Chair), and New Diamond and Nano Carbons (Executive Committee). He has also organised MRS symposia on carbon functional interfaces at the 2011 and 2013 MRS Spring Meetings, served as a co-chair of the 2015 MRS Spring Meeting, and is currently the Chair of the MRS Program Development Subcommittee. Since 1997, Ken’s research interests focus on CVD diamond, including its deposition, optoelectronic characterisation, surface functionalisation, and diamond-based devices, as part of a broader scope on carbon materials for energy harvesting and conversion. To date, he has authored over 245 peer-reviewed publications.