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엘스비어와 함께 출판


 Margarita Shanchez-Dominquez


Margarita Shanchez-Dominquez

University of Monterrey, Mexico

Margarita Sánchez Domínguez is a Research Professor at CIMAV Monterrey, Mexico. She is a member of the Mexican Academy of Science and the National Researchers System of CONAHCYT (level 3). She completed a PhD in Physical Chemistry at the University of Bristol (2004), followed by two postdoctoral stays (Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg 2004-2006; Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia, Barcelona 2006-2010). Her research topics include: synthesis of hierarchical superstructures by means of bicontinuous microemulsions, electrodeposition, and galvanic displacement for its application as SERS substrates, sensors, and electrocatalysts; nanoformulations as controlled release systems; and gene delivery nanosystems for cancer theranostics.

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