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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Orlin Velev


Orlin Velev

North Carolina State University, USA

Dr. Orlin Velev is a Frank and Doris Culberson Distinguished Professor at NC State University. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria (1996), while also performing research for one year in Japan. After a postdoc at the University of Delaware, Velev joined NC State University in 2001. He has established a record of innovative research in the assembly of colloidal nanostructures with magnetic, electrical, and photonic functionality, active particles and structures, biosensors, and manufacturing of environmentally friendly and sustainable nanomaterials. Velev has contributed more than 240 publications and has presented more than 310 invited presentations. He has received numerous awards, including NSF Career, AIChE Andreas Acrivos Award for Professional Progress, AIChE Braskem Award for Excellence in Materials Engineering and Science, and ACS Langmuir Lecturer.

Velev group page 새 탭/창에서 열기

Velev faculty bio page 새 탭/창에서 열기