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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Patrick S. Stayton


Patrick S. Stayton

University of Washington, USA

Talk Title: Engineered Molecular Switches

Patrick Stayton currently serves as the Distinguished Career Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Washington.  He was the founding Director of the Institute for Molecular Engineering and Sciences at UW. His laboratory develops new materials for application to unmet medical needs in the therapeutics, diagnostics, and regenerative medicine fields. He has published over 300 scientific papers. Dr. Stayton has a strong interest in translating the group’s research, and was a co-founder of the PhaseRx Inc. based on his group’s RNA delivery technology that is now part of Arbutus Biopharma/Genevant Sciences. Dr. Stayton has been elected as a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, and has been the recipient of the Clemson Award from the Society For Biomaterials and the CRS-Cygnus Recognition Award from the Controlled Release Society. He served as Co-Chair of the Gordon Conference on Drug Carriers in Medicine and Biology in 2010.  He has also been awarded the Faculty Research Innovation Award, UW College of Engineering, and the Distinguished Teacher and Mentor Award from the Department of Bioengineering.