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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Phillipp Frankel


Phillipp Frankel

University of Manchester, UK

Philipp Frankel is a Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy and Irradiation Damage within the Department of Materials at the University of Manchester and Director of the MIDAS EPSRC Programme Grant on, where he coordinates research on Zr cladding materials across a range of UK and international partners. He has been investigating nuclear materials for more than 15 years where his research aims to gain a deeper understanding of how the properties and performance of materials, zirconium alloys in particular, change in the extremely challenging environment present in a nuclear reactor. He is passionate about promoting collaborative work, and currently engaged with numerous international research consortia involving both academic institutions and industrial partners. His group makes frequent use of state-of-the-art facilities within the University and at associated large-scale facilities for studies including ion irradiation, post-irradiation examination and synchrotron x-ray diffraction. His interests also extend to facility development.

Before working on Zr alloys Philipp studied for an Engineering Doctorate at Birmingham University in collaboration with Rolls-Royce Plc., investigating the performance of aerospace materials, focusing on the use of large-scale synchrotron & neutron facilities.