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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Raul Rebak


Raul Rebak

GE Vernova Advanced Research, USA

Raul B. Rebak is a Principal Corrosion Engineer working at the GE Vernova Advanced Research in Schenectady, NY since October 2007. Previously, he was employed at the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where he was the lead for materials corrosion testing for the Yucca Mountain Project.

Raul has more than 40 years’ experience in Corrosion Science and Corrosion Engineering both from the academic and the industrial fields. He has an extensive research background in nuclear materials, including power generation and nuclear waste disposition.

Raul has a Ph. D. degree in Materials Science and Corrosion from The Ohio State University (USA)

Raul is a Fellow of NACE International (now AMPP) and a Fellow of ASM International.