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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conference speaker

Ray Keller


Ray Keller

University of Virginia, USA

Talk Title: “The organizer: organizing the forces that shape the xenopus embryo”

Ray Keller took a Ph.D degree at the University of Illinois, Urbana (1975), did postdoctoral work with J.P. Trinkaus (Yale University) and Robert Briggs (Indiana University, Bloomington), joined the faculty of the University of California at Berkeley (1980), and moved to the University of Virginia (1995) where he is the Alumni Council Thomas Jefferson Professor of Biology, and Professor of Cell Biology. 

His laboratory is known for using live imaging of cell motility and biomechanical measurements of normal and experimentally manipulated embryos and embryonic explants to learn how molecular and cellular events generate the patterned forces and tissue mechanical properties that shape the embryo.