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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conference chair / Speaker

Richard Clegg


Richard Clegg

Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Professor Richard Clegg has been appointed the new Editor-in-Chief of Engineering Failure Analysis. Dr. Richard Clegg is currently Principal Consultant in the Failure Analysis Group at Bureau Veritas Australia and is Adjunct Professor in the School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.

He was formerly Professor of Industrial Materials Science and Director of the Process Engineering and Light Metals Centre at Central Queensland University in Gladstone in Queensland, Australia, where he ran a research group specialising in engineering failure analysis and plant reliability. Richard Clegg is a metallurgist who holds degrees from the University of Queensland and the University of Cambridge and has been involved in engineering failure analysis since 1985.  His main research interests are in developing understandings of failure mechanisms operating the oil and gas, mining and mineral processing industries and the role of engineering failure analysis in plant reliability engineering.  He has worked as a consultant on several major engineering failures in the Queensland minerals industry, as well as in a wide range of other forensic engineering activities.