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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Robert Marks


Robert Marks

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Prof. Robert S. Marks is a Full Professor at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev. His PhD was in Chemical Immunology awarded by the Weizmann Institute of Science (under Prof. M. Sela) on synthetic cholera vaccines. He was introduced to the world of biosensors at the University of Cambridge (under Prof. C. Lowe). He founded the Biosensors Laboratory at the Department for Biotechnology Engineering where he was a past Chair. He was awarded a large Singapore NRF CREATE project, ‘NEW’, as co-coordinator heading the water monitoring thrust. His work has resulted in patents that catalysed the spin off of his technologies into budding startup companies mostly led by his former students that he co-founded with them. He has published over 225 peer-reviewed papers, several patents, and was editor-in-chief of several books including the 2-volume Wiley Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips. His work concentrated on the creation of novel biosensor systems, systematically tested on real-life samples, innovating on new transducer systems, creating bio specific entities as well as newly synthesised molecules for various chemical immobilisation strategies.