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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Saphwan Al-Assaf


Saphwan Al-Assaf

University of Chester, UK

Topic: Environmental and Economic Impacts of Sustainable Practices

Professor Al-Assaf graduated in 1988 with a first-class degree in Chemistry (Mosul University). He gained his MSc (1994) and PhD (1997) from Salford University in the field of radiation and solution properties of hyaluronan and cross-linked form (Hylan). Subsequently he took up a postdoctoral research fellowship at Glyndwr University Wrexham (formally North East Wales Institute of Higher Education, NEWI) working on the characterisation and modification of hydrocolloids. In 2003 he became Director of the Phillips Hydrocolloids Research Centre at Glyndwr University and was promoted to a Reader in Chemistry in 2007, and was awarded a personal chair in 2012. He moved to Chester University in August 2015 to lead the Hydrocolloid Research Centre at the Institute of Food Science & Innovation. Professor Al-Assaf has secured research funding from various organizations and industry and has published over 100 papers. Prof Al-Assaf currently serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Future Foods and on the editorial board for Int. J. Biol Macromol., Gels and Food Chemistry Advances.

https://profiles.chester.ac.uk/S.ALASSAF 새 탭/창에서 열기