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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Sok Ying Liaw


Professor Sok Ying Liaw

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Professor Sok Ying Liaw is the Head of Department for Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies at National University of Singapore. Sok Ying’s PRIME research focuses on Patient safety with emphasis on: Recognising and responding to clinical deterioration; Interprofessional collaboration and education, Manpower nursing workforce and development and; Experiential learning using simulation. She has led the development and evaluation of simulation-based educational programmes including e-RAPIDS (Rescuing A Patient In Deterioration Situation) and CREATIVE (Create Real-time And Teamwork In Virtual Environment) which were translated into curriculums and licensed to overseas institutions. She has secured several research grants with a total of over US$3million funding. She has published over 100 peer reviewed journals papers and earned herself an H-index of 30. Currently, she is an Associate Editor of Clinical Simulation in Nursing.