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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Trishelle Copeland-Johnson


Trishelle Copeland-Johnson

Idaho National Laboratory, USA

Dr. Trishelle Copeland-Johnson, a Materials Research Scientist at Idaho National Laboratory (INL), specializes in strategizing advanced characterization workflows to study surface damage in materials, including corrosion in nuclear structural materials. She began her tenure at INL in 2021 as a Glenn T. Seaborg Distinguished Postdoctoral Research Associate, focusing on how actinide products affect corrosion in Ni-based superalloys in chloride molten salts and the impact of radiolysis on aluminum nuclear fuel claddings in long-term storage. Promoted in 2022, she now leads several projects on molten salt corrosion mechanisms. Her current work includes leading a research initiative on long-range ordering phase transformations in Ni-based alloys, the corrosion effects of iodide fission products, and the corrosion performance of additively manufactured stainless steel 316H for nuclear applications.

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tcopelandjohnson/ 새 탭/창에서 열기