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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Xia Huang


Xia Huang

Tsinghua University, China

Xia Huang is a Professor at School of Environment of Tsinghua University, titled the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and the Yangtsz River Scholar. Now she is a Director of State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control. She is leading a research team on wastewater treatment and resource recovery. Her research interests focus on water and wastewater treatment using membrane technology involving membranes fabrication, membrane fouling, membrane processes innovation and coupling other water treatment technologies. Till now, she has published 5 books, more than 400 journal papers. She is currently the Distinguished Fellow of the International Water Association (IWA) and was former Chair of the IWA Specialist Group on Membrane Technology. She serves as an Editor of “Water Research X”, and Executive Associate Editor-in-Chief of "Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.". She was awarded 2009 Environ. Sci. Technol. Best Paper and 2018 Environ. Sci.: Wat. Res. & Technol. Best Paper, the 2nd Class of the State Science and Technology Progress Award thrice from Chinese Government.