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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Xian-En Zhang


Xian-En Zhang

Faculty of Synthetic Biology, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology & Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Xian-En Zhang is a PI professor at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Synthetic Biology, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS, specializing in analytical microbiology, biosensors, nanobiology, and synthetic biology. His current interests include sensing and visualizing molecular events in live cells, such as biomolecular interactions, virus-host cell interaction, global characterization of target surface antigens at single cell level, etc.

 He is a Fellow of AIMBE, a Fellow of RSC, Vice President of Chinese Society of Biotechnology and the Chair of the of the Committee of Synthetic Biology, founding co-chair of the Division of Nanobiotechnology/Biosensors/Biochips, Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB), and member of the Organizing Committee of the World Congress on Biosensors since 2008.