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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Plenary Speaker

Zhongyi Jiang


Zhongyi Jiang

Tianjin University, China

Title: Organic Molecular Sieve Membranes for Chemical Separations

Zhongyi Jiang is a professor at School of Chemical Engineering and Technology of Tianjin University. He is the winner of NSFC Outstanding Young Investigator Award, Cheung Kong Chair Professorship, fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Chinese Chemical Society and The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China. He is the Associate Editor of Advanced Membranes, Research, and the Editorial Board Member of Materials Horizons, Journal of Membrane Science, Separation and Purification Technology, etc. His research interest focuses on membranes and membrane processes. He has published over 600 SCI papers with total citations over 40000 and h-index 105.