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엘스비어와 함께 출판


black and white headshot of Dr Ximena Alvira


Ximena Alvira, MD, PhD

Clinical Executive and Research Manager

Ximena Alvira is the Clinical Executive and Research Manager at Elsevier Health at EMEALA and APAC and is the Clinical Lead for the KSA Guideline Project. She is a medical doctor and doctor in neuroscience with broad experience in clinical practice, research, and medical writing. Originally trained in Colombia, Ximena practiced as an Emergency Medicine physician at several places, such as the renowned Massachusetts General Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, USA.

Ximena joined Elsevier in 2012 as a Knowledge Representation Expert, where, together with the Spanish team launched ClinicalKey for the Spanish-speaking markets. Among other roles, she was responsible for the overall quality process of the Spanish edition.

Her passion for science communication and the dissemination of knowledge kick-started her career as a medical writer and communicator, which is still ongoing. In the last 5 years, Ximena has delivered over 300 health research publishing master classes, workshops, and research-related webinars worldwide, reaching over 30,000 attendees.