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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Angola Customer Hub

Researcher success portal

Researcher success portal


At Elsevier, we take immense pride in being a trusted partner to the communities we serve and improving customer experience.

To support academic and research-focused professionals, we bring you the Elsevier Africa Researcher Success Portal, which features a calendar to upcoming live presentations as well as access to on-demand webinars, and materials in our resource center.

Upcoming webinars

Meet the team

Daneshree Moodley headshot


Daneshree Moodley

Consultant for Core Products

Daneshree Moodley 더 읽어보기
Khalid Shalan headshot


Khalid Shalan

Interim area manager for Egypt and North-East Africa

Khalid Shalan 더 읽어보기


Lucia Schoombee

Senior Research Intelligence Consultant

Lucia Schoombee 더 읽어보기